There’s a 5% chance of AI causing humans to go extinct, say scientists

AI researchers predict a slim chance of apocalyptic outcomes Stephen Taylor / Alamy Stock Photo Many artificial intelligence researchers see the possible future development of superhuman AI as having a non-trivial chance of causing human extinction – but there is also widespread disagreement and uncertainty about such risks. Those findings come from a survey of … Read more

AI trained on millions of life stories can predict risk of early death

Data covering the entire population of Denmark was used to train an AI to predict people’s life outcomes Francis Joseph Dean/Dean Pictures / Alamy Stock Photo An artificial intelligence trained on personal data covering the entire population of Denmark can predict people’s chances of dying more accurately than any existing model, even those used in … Read more

DeepMind AI with built-in fact-checker makes mathematical discoveries

DeepMind’s FunSearch AI can tackle mathematical problems alengo/Getty Images Google DeepMind claims to have made the first ever scientific discovery with an AI chatbot by building a fact-checker to filter out useless outputs, leaving only reliable solutions to mathematical or computing problems. Previous DeepMind achievements, such as using AI to predict the weather or protein … Read more

The future of AI: The 5 possible scenarios, from utopia to extinction

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IF YOU ask the AI-powered chatbot ChatGPT what the rise of artificial intelligence means for humanity’s future, it proffers a measured response, concluding that “the future of humanity with AI is not predetermined, and its impact will depend on how AI is developed, regulated, and integrated into various aspects of society”. Sensible stuff but, let’s … Read more

Supercomputer that simulates entire human brain will switch on in 2024

An artist’s impression of the DeepSouth supercomputer A supercomputer capable of simulating, at full scale, the synapses of a human brain is set to boot up in Australia next year, in the hopes of understanding how our brains process massive amounts of information while consuming relatively little power. The machine, known as DeepSouth, is being … Read more

Mind-reading AI can translate brainwaves into written text

An AI can decode brainwave recordings to predict the words someone is reading Vertigo3d/Getty Images Using only a sensor-filled helmet combined with artificial intelligence, a team of scientists has announced they can turn a person’s thoughts into written words. In the study, participants read passages of text while wearing a cap that recorded electrical brain … Read more