Large Hadron Collider sticks with reels of tape for vast storage needs

By Matthew Sparkes Collisions recorded by the CMS detector, part of the LHC McCauley, Thomas/CERN The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) wakes from a three-year shutdown next month when beam tests begin ahead of experimental work. During the downtime, upgrades were made to the computer centres that handle the vast amounts of data produced when particles … Read more

Bitcoin rival Chia ‘destroyed’ hard disc supply chains, says its boss

By Matthew Sparkes Chia miners are buying up hard discs Shutterstock / nikkytok Chia, a cryptocurrency intended to be a “green” alternative to bitcoin has instead caused a global shortage of hard discs. Gene Hoffman, the president of Chia Network, the company behind the currency, admits that “we’ve kind of destroyed the short-term supply chain”, … Read more