First ‘thermodynamic computer’ uses random noise to calculate

The thermodynamic computer

Printed circuit board of a “thermodynamic computer” Normal Computing A first-of-its-kind computer can perform calculations using the random “noise” that is inherent in our world. It is built using standard commercial components and could eventually run artificial intelligence programs more efficiently than conventional computers. In conventional computers, all calculations are reduced to sequences of 1s … Read more

Cheap salty solution cools computers and boosts performance by a third

Passive cooling could be more efficient using a device containing a salt water solution daniiD/Shutterstock Computers could see their performance jump by one-third through an inexpensive cooling solution based on lithium bromide salt – all while enjoying 10 times longer cooling than using alternative passive cooling systems. To remove heat generated by a computer’s central … Read more

4D-printed robot self-assembles into a tube and rolls up hills

By Krista Charles A simple tube-shaped “4D-printed robot” can roll uphill, carry a load and navigate an unpredictable landscape. Wei Feng at Tianjin University in China and his colleagues designed the robot, which is built from a flat rectangular sheet of 3D-printed liquid crystal elastomer. When the surface that this sheet is placed on is heated … Read more