17 Hot Tech Career Paths (Jobs) in 2023

Tech jobs are a lot more diverse than they used to be but people still think it’s just about web development, software engineering and coding. 

With the growth of technology and the increased demand for it, there are more opportunities than ever before! In the past, those who excelled in programming or web development were often seen as the best candidates for a job. But now, it’s a totally different ball game.

Tech companies are looking for employees with a variety of talents that can help them fulfill their vision for what the future will look like.

A lot of tech jobs are not technical or related to programming at all

For example, a web developer may spend most of his time writing HTML and CSS rather than creating software. Similarly, a designer doesn’t necessarily need any coding experience at all—he or she can use a wide range of software tools like Photoshop or Illustrator on the side.

Some people are not interested in working in tech because they think it’s boring or repetitive, which may be true of some jobs but not all of them!  For example: if you’re an accountant who doesn’t like numbers but loves talking with clients about their finances, then maybe accounting isn’t your dream job after all—but maybe it’s something else that makes sense for your personality type?

Many other technology-related jobs do not involve software engineering or web design. Some examples of such jobs include:

1. Data Analyst: A data analyst is responsible for collecting and analyzing large sets of data to identify patterns and trends, and then using that information to make strategic business decisions.

2. Cybersecurity Analyst: A cybersecurity analyst is responsible for ensuring the security and integrity of an organization’s computer systems and networks. They identify and prevent cyber attacks, and develop security protocols and procedures to protect against future attacks.

3. Database Administrator: One of the tech jobs include a database administrator; responsible for managing and maintaining an organization’s databases, ensuring they are secure, efficient, and up-to-date.

4. Network Administrator: A network administrator is responsible for managing an organization’s computer network, ensuring that it is secure, efficient, and reliable.

5. Systems Administrator: A systems administrator is responsible for managing an organization’s computer systems, including servers, operating systems, and software applications.

6. IT Project Manager: An IT project manager is responsible for overseeing the planning, execution, and delivery of technology projects, ensuring that they are completed on time, within budget, and meet the requirements of stakeholders.

7. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Specialist: An AI specialist is responsible for developing and implementing AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, to solve complex business problems.

8. Robotics Engineer: A robotics engineer is responsible for designing, developing, and testing robots and robotic systems, including hardware and software components.

9. UX Designer: A UX (user experience) designer is responsible for designing and improving the usability and functionality of digital products, such as websites, apps, and software.

10. Technical Writer: A technical writer is responsible for creating technical documentation, such as user manuals, technical specifications, and help files, that explain complex concepts and procedures clearly and concisely.

11. Data science: Data science is one of the fastest-growing careers with a median salary of $100,000. Data scientists can work in many different environments and industries, including healthcare, financial services and retail. Many generalist data sciences positions require less knowledge about specific technologies or algorithms than more specialized roles do.

Data science is a subfield of statistics, machine learning and computer programming. Individuals in this field are interested in understanding the underlying structure of data in order to make predictions and identify patterns. They use statistical methods such as regression analysis and clustering to predict outcomes based on collected data.

Data scientists can work in fields such as finance or healthcare where there are huge amounts of available information which needs processing before it can be analyzed effectively by humans or computers alike; for example: analyzing potential investments based on factors such as return rates over time; predicting whether someone will develop cancer based on their family history etc.

12. Engineering management: Engineering management is the art of managing engineers. It’s a difficult job that requires you to understand your employees, their strengths and weaknesses, what they like to do and why they do it. You have to be able to identify problems before they happen so that you can solve them before they become bigger issues.

But there’s more than just being an excellent manager; an engineer manager needs technical skills too! You’ll need to know how projects work from start-to-finish (or at least get close enough), how software development works as well as any other related fields like marketing or finance—and most importantly: communication skills! If there’s one thing all successful managers share in common it’s their ability to communicate clearly with others through effective writing or speaking engagements such as presentations at conferences or meetings with clients/employees alike.

13. HR: Human resources (HR) is a great place to start. It’s an industry where you can learn about the industry and business, as well as the company’s culture. If you’re interested in learning more about what goes on behind-the-scenes at organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, or Facebook, HR may be right up your alley.

14. Marketing research: Marketing research is the study of consumer behavior to determine what people want from a product or service. It’s used in all industries, but it can be divided into two main categories:

  • This type of research focuses on understanding customers’ wants and needs by asking questions about their preferences. You might ask consumers if they have any problems with your product or service, how much time they spend using it and where they get information about it.
  • Marketing strategy: A company uses marketing strategies to increase sales or decrease costs through advertising campaigns as well as other methods such as promotions/incentives that encourage customers to buy more stuff from them than they would otherwise do at regular prices (which helps make up for lost profits).

15. Business development: Business development is a role that involves finding new business opportunities. It’s one of the best ways to get those coveted entry-level jobs in tech, because you’ll be working directly with companies and individuals who need your help.

Business development can also involve helping other people find new customers or partners—and even suppliers! If you want to get involved with this kind of work, try looking for positions at companies like Microsoft; Google; Facebook; LinkedIn; Amazon; Apple (which has its own separate division called “Sales”).

16. Customer success: Customer success is the process of helping customers achieve their goals. It’s a critical part of the business development process, and it’s a key part of the customer lifecycle.

Customer Success involves:

  • Providing support to existing customers that helps them accomplish their goals and objectives with your product or service;
  • Identifying and responding to problems/requests from existing and new customers;

17. Marketing communications: Marketing communications is the process of creating and distributing information to prospective or existing customers and users. It can be broken down into two main parts: traditional marketing, which focuses on creating a brand identity for your company through advertising campaigns, customer service interactions and PR events; and digital marketing, which includes web design, social media management and email campaigns.

In addition to these two types of work, you might also want to consider other options such as public relations or advertising if you are interested in pursuing those fields after graduation.


The world of technology is changing rapidly and the job market for these types of roles is growing. If you are looking for a career path that can help you develop new skills and gain experience in a variety of fields, then these roles could be perfect for you.




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