Corey’s weekend with the Lenovo X1 Titanium Yoga

Lifestyle fit

The X1 Titanium helped me breeze through my morning. Zoom and Google Hangout video calls looked crisp and vivid on the 2K screen, with no lag or pixellated delays even as I ran multiple apps (if my boss is reading, they were all related to the meetings, I swear!). My usual suite of Microsoft Word and Powerpoint, Slack, Spotify, and Google Chrome offered no resistance as the X1 Titanium hummed along. In fact, the computer itself hardly hummed — it was whisper-quiet, thanks to a hybrid cooling system that allowed even such a thin machine to stay virtually silent while working hard.

After a quick lunch, I was ready to hit the road with my new gizmo. I wanted to fit a workout in later, so I took the X1 Titanium with me to my gym’s coworking space (it’s an athletic club, okay, but somehow the extra perks haven’t yet translated to extra abs for me — strange). I’d been working unplugged that morning, and the X1’s battery easily kept me powered as I worked on a pitch deck. One feature I happily noted as I clicked and maneuvered: the haptic touchpad was remarkably responsive, providing a tactile experience that helped me in my design-oriented apps and in interactive web experiences as I browsed. The pad’s click strength is actually customizable, but I didn’t need to mess around with it — it already felt perfect for my purposes.

Workweek finished, Saturday and Sunday mean time for my own creative work — and the X1 Titanium doesn’t get a day off. Even though I’ve been an Angeleno for about a year now, I’m still a New Yorker at heart. I lived in Brooklyn for seven years, and I still prefer to get around town via putting feet onto pavement when I can. A few miles in the LA summer sun can be less than pleasant if you’re schlepping a heavy bag, but the X1 Titanium hardly registered in my backpack at all — and with a titanium lid, I felt secure in jostling it around. Its thin profile made for a perfect writing companion as I worked on my own fiction in a coffeeshop, and the biometric locks and login protection made me feel secure leaving it while I grabbed another bev or perused the cafe’s bookstore to stretch my legs.

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