Material inspired by blood vessels can extract uranium from seawater

The oceans are a huge untapped store of uranium, which is vital for nuclear energy, and new technology could ensure a long-lasting supply


29 November 2021

Uranium, a chemical element with a U symbol and an atomic mass equal to 238 u, has an atomic number 92

Uranium for nuclear fuel is currently obtained from mining

RHJ/Getty Images

A new material inspired by the fractal-like nature of blood vessels can absorb 20 times more uranium from seawater than previous approaches. The team behind the approach believes it could provide a reliable energy source that could last thousands of years at current rates of consumption.

Uranium is the most common fuel for nuclear power stations but it is a finite resource. Earth’s seas are estimated to contain some 4.5 billion tonnes of uranium, 500 times as much as is held in its land mass, but extracting it from water is more expensive than mining it from rock.

Experiments have previously found that sheets of acrylic fibre can extract small amounts of uranium from water, but because seawater contains only around three parts per billion of uranium, it has been difficult to refine the process and rival the cost of mining.

Linsen Yang at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and his colleagues created a polymer membrane riddled with small channels that branch into even smaller tunnels just 300 to 500 nanometres across, mimicking the way that blood vessels bifurcate into ever-smaller passages within mammalian organs and limbs. The material was impregnated with a compound called amidoxime, which binds to uranium ions.

The team passed water laced with uranium through the material and used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to detect whether the element was captured. They found that the material absorbed up to 20 times as much as previously developed materials did.

Crucially, the uranium-laced material can also be cleaned with hydrochloric acid, which extracts 98 per cent of the uranium, and reused several times. This should allow the material to be used for long periods of time and lower the cost of extraction from seawater even further.

Reid Peterson at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington, says the biggest challenge when it comes to harvesting uranium from the oceans is that the low concentrations make it economically challenging. “This work offers an opportunity to significantly improve those economics,” he says. “Uranium would not be replenished in the oceans at an appreciable rate, but that isn’t really a significant concern, as there is such a large reservoir.”

Journal reference: Nature Sustainability, DOI: 10.1038/s41893-021-00792-6

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