NITDA Collaborates Emerging Tech Africa to Promote Digital Economy – TechEconomy

The Director-General National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Kashifu Inuwa CCIE, has expressed readiness to collaborate with Emerging Tech Africa, led by Atayero of Aramoko Kingdom in Ekiti State and Chairman of Emerging Tech Africa Communication Limited, HRH, Oba (Dr). Olusegun Aderemi Idowu (JP), on critical areas of the Digital Economy.

Inuwa stated this while receiving the Chairman, Emerging Tech Africa Communication Limited; Lead Team of JKL CAPITAL, Mr. J. Shi and Ms. Nidaa Sabbagh on a courtesy visit where issues of mutual understanding and benefits in the areas of the digital economy, job and wealth creation were discussed.

While emphasizing the importance of the agency’s National Digital Skills Strategy, which aims to achieve 95% digital literacy among Nigerians by 2030, as well as the adoption of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence to tap into the $13 trillion global market by 2030, the DG outlined NITDA’s achievements and discussed the prospects and challenges of Nigeria’s IT ecosystem.

“We have some flagship initiatives and projects which we believe can help us capture value; one of such is building and hatching talents because according to research, by 2030, there is going to be an 85 million talent deficit globally, making talent a huge industry itself”.

“So, we are working towards positioning Nigeria as the world’s talent factory, exporting our brains, providing talented workforce to render services for your establishments, Nigeria, the continent, and the world”, the DG expounded.

Inuwa reiterated the need for continuous collaborations for higher productivity, according to him “No one can whistle a symphony; it takes a whole orchestra to play it. We believe in teamwork and we know there are things we can do as a government that you cannot do as a private sector and vice versa, but together, nothing is impossible. That’s why we are always willing to forge a common front of working together to co-create the ecosystem and prosperity for all”.

The DG also took his guests through other key focus areas of the Agency, including the implementation of the NITDA Start-up Act, completion of the National Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre, National Data Strategy Implementation, Adoption of Blockchain Technology, Implementation of the National Digital Skills Strategy amongst others.

“As we look forward to our collaboration and the possible future, NITDA remains committed to sustaining the momentum, leveraging emerging technologies, developing policies and strategies that promote digital transformation, and creating an enabling environment for our startups and entrepreneurs to thrive”, the DG affirmed

The leader of the delegation, Atayero of Aramoko Kingdom, Ekiti State, and Chairman, Emerging Tech Africa Communication Limited, HRH, Oba (Dr). Olusegun Aderemi Idowu (JP) who was in the company of his team members; Lead Team of JKL CAPITAL, Mr. J. Shi, and Ms. Nidaa Sabbagh said the courtesy visit was to seek possible partnerships and discuss issues of mutual understanding and benefits in areas of digital economy, job and wealth creation.

“We are an indigenous company doing excellently in the area of information technology, digital economy, job, and wealth creation. Our partners, JKL CAPITAL in London are in Nigeria to partner with our company ETECHA COMMUNICATION LIMITED to do business, and we wish your Ministry could be part of government agencies that will warehouse some of the business interest to attract mutual interest and benefits for Nigeria”, Dr Idowu said.

While enumerating some of the areas of interest in Nigeria the company wishes to invest in including Blockchain Technology, Gaming business opportunities, TV broadcasting resources, and Payment Solution Services, Dr Idowu was hopeful that the collaboration will be beneficial to all parties involved.




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