Optical Product Innovation Accelerates – Photonic Wire Bonding

MONTREAL, Feb. 15, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — With the growth of photonic integrated circuits comes the need to innovate quickly. And this innovation acceleration is made possible by the creation of Photonic Wire Bonding. Much as electrical integrated circuits have benefitted from electrical wire bonding, photonics innovations will now advance on a faster trajectory. Today, Vanguard Automation, C2MI, and AEPONYX announce plans to further this optical innovation.

Photonic Wire Bonding creates low-loss, 3D free-form connections between optical components. Built on advanced nano-print technology, Photonic Wire Bonding is inherently automatable and provides a high degree of design flexibility. Vanguard Automation, headquartered in Karlsruhe, Germany, has created this technology and offers industry-grade machinery, software, and fabrication process solutions. “We are delighted to not only see our machines used as innovation drivers,” says Thorsten Mayer, CEO of Vanguard Automation, “we are also excited to see them going into photonic production lines.”

The C2MI (MiQro Innovation Collaborative Center) in Quebec is a leading innovation center in microelectronics in Canada with a customer base extending beyond its national borders. Recognizing the potential of Photonic Wire Bonding, C2MI integrates Vanguard Automation’s machines and processes into its manufacturing/assembly/test photonics production line. “This is a significant expansion of our capabilities, offering interesting technological avenues. We are already working with customers and partners on Photonic Wire Bonding concepts with high commercialization potential.” says Marie-Josée Turgeon, General Manager of C2MI.

AEPONYX, producer of photonic integrated circuit products, has worked with Vanguard Automation and C2MI to create product development accelerations. AEPONYX has created a Photonic Wire Bonding innovation process – working on their base of Silicon Nitride photonics, they have perfected the concept of hybrid integration. As Philippe Babin, CEO of AEPONYX, stated, “Hybrid integration enables us to test concepts with best of breed optical components, with speed not possible before.” “It has been a thrill working with Vanguard and C2MI on this development,” Philippe said.

There are two upcoming opportunities to learn even more about Photonic Wire Bonding and the three companies’ innovations. First, Vanguard, C2MI, and AEPONYX will present the concepts in a Lightwave webinar with Steven Hardy on March 1st, 11am ET. You can register for the webinar here. Then, you can visit with Vanguard Automation and AEPONYX at the OFC optical conference in San Diego this March.


Vanguard Automation : http://www.vanguard-automation.com

Thorsten Mayer thorsten.mayer@vanguard-automation.com

C2MI : http://www.C2MI.ca

Marie-Josée Turgeon marie-josee.turgeon@c2mi.ca

AEPONYX, Inc : http://www.AEPONYX.com

Philippe Babin pbabin@AEPONYX.com

Media Contact

Jeff Demain, AEPONYX, 1 213-308-2235, jdemain@aeponyx.com



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