California approves driverless taxi expansion in San Francisco

A Waymo self-driving car in San Francisco Shutterstock/Iv-olga Driverless cars have the green light to operate as paid ride-hailing services in San Francisco after the companies Waymo and Cruise won approval from California state regulators. But the decision comes amidst pushback from city officials and residents over the cars creating traffic jams and interfering with … Read more

Driverless cars could get AI-powered heat vision for nighttime driving

AI could help driverless cars spot objects based on their heat emissions

AI could help driverless cars spot objects based on their heat emissions Shutterstock/Ivan Smuk Driverless cars can struggle to distinguish between a pedestrian and a cardboard cutout of a person when it is dark or particularly rainy. A system that uses AI to identify objects based on their heat emission patterns could help autonomous vehicles … Read more

Machine recycles scrap aluminium directly into vehicle parts

Car parts can be moulded directly from recycled aluminium Shutterstock / Eugene_Photo A machine that can transform scrap aluminium directly into vehicle parts for the automotive industry could boost the supply of the metal available for new electric vehicles without the energy use and carbon emissions associated with extracting and purifying its ore. Aluminium is … Read more

Hong Kong’s car pollution sensors help it clean its air in world first

Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide pollution have fallen sharply in Hong Kong since it introduced a world-first scheme to detect and repair vehicles with the highest emissions Technology 2 February 2022 By Alice Klein A busy road in Hong Kong picturelibrary / Alamy Stock Photo Hong Kong has improved its air quality by using roadside … Read more