Liquid magnet propellers could be a safer way to power boats

A ferrofluid propeller powered by electromagnets Hiroto Kitamori et al A robot boat with a propeller made from liquid magnets could be a safer alternative than solid metal blades, which can damage wildlife. Jun Shintake at the University of Electro-Communications in Chōfu, Japan, and his colleagues created a prototype aquatic craft with a propeller made … Read more

Computer made from swirly magnets can recognise handwritten digits

A prototype computer built using a magnetic material called a skyrmion has been programmed to recognise handwritten digits. The approach could be particularly energy-efficient Technology 30 September 2022 By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan Recognising handwritten digits is a standard computing test Getty Images A new type of computer can use the behaviour of magnetic particles to recognise … Read more