Underwater pendulums could calm waves and reduce coastal erosion

A device to counteract the power of waves could limit erosion along coastlines Shutterstock / xander A system of upside-down pendulums tethered to the seafloor could significantly reduce the size of waves, helping limit beach erosion. Waves that wear down beaches are often stopped with walls of rocks built parallel to the shore, but these … Read more

3D-printed explosive can’t detonate unless filled with fluid

Transporting explosives can be dangerous Getty Images A Swiss cheese-like structure made from an explosive material offers a promising way to safely store and transport explosives. The 3D-printed design detonates only when the holes in it are filled with a liquid. Explosives are useful in industries like mining, but they are also hazardous because there … Read more

Origami glass technique produces hard-to-make shapes

A feather made using the technique

A feather made using the technique Tao Xie A method for shaping glass based on origami can create delicate and intricate objects that are difficult to make otherwise. Household glass objects like jars or bottles are typically made by a combination of pressing glass into moulds and glassblowing, while more unique glass objects can also … Read more

Astonishing 3D footage of ants recorded using 54-camera set-up

The new camera set-up has been used to film harvester ants Nature Picture Library/Alamy Stitching video together from 54 cameras using AI produces incredibly detailed three-dimensional videos. The technique has been used to film many tiny creatures at once. To understand why large groups of small animals, like ants or flies, behave the way they … Read more

Smartphones can reveal whether bridges are about to fall down

The accelerometers in our smartphones collect information as we travel over bridges, and this can reveal if the structure is weakening and help us know when to fix it to extend its life Technology 3 November 2022 By Alex Wilkins Smartphone information was recorded as cars drove over the Golden Gate Bridge Westend61/Getty Images Engineers … Read more

World’s first 3D-printed steel bridge opens in Amsterdam

By Matthew Sparkes A 3D-printed bridge has been installed in Amsterdam Adriaan De Groot The first ever 3D-printed steel bridge has opened in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It was created by robotic arms using welding torches to deposit the structure of the bridge layer by layer, and is made of 4500 kilograms of stainless steel. The … Read more