The ultimate guide to stacking the dishwasher

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FORKS up, knives down and be sure to pre-rinse. Or was it bowls down, knives up? And why do I need to rinse? Isn’t that what the dishwasher is for? Deep mystery of the universe it is not, yet proper use of the dishwasher is an endless cause of domestic turmoil. We all have our … Read more

Colour-changing wrap could let you know when food has spoiled

Best before dates aren't always the best

“Best before” dates aren’t always the best Shutterstock/Sheila Fitzgerald Biodegradable food packaging could alert eaters that their food is spoiling by changing colour. Date labels put on perishable foods are often poor predictors of when food will become dangerous to eat, which can lead to both food waste and food poisoning, says Benedetto Marelli at … Read more

Kombucha cultures can be turned into flexible electric circuit boards

The fermented, probiotic tea kombucha is created by microorganisms that form a mat of organic material Premyuda Yospim/iStockphoto/Getty Images A byproduct of making the drink kombucha can be used to create flexible electronic circuits that could be useful for wearable technology or even for making simple computers that are partially alive. More than 60 types … Read more