For the first time, the Energica Eva Ribelle brings high-performance electric power to California's Laguna Seca raceway

For the first time, the Energica Eva Ribelle brings high-performance electric power to California's Laguna Seca raceway

MODENA, Italy, July 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — On July 8-9th, the Energica EVA Ribelle, an electric motorcycle, will compete against fossil-fuel-powered motorcycles at the iconic Laguna Seca raceway in California during the Mission Foods Super Hooligan National Championship by MotoAmerica. During the two previous series races at the Daytona Speedway and The Ridge, rider Stefano Mesa showed … Read more

Stopwatch errors could make race times wrong by a tenth of a second

By Matthew Sparkes Stopwatches may not be as accurate as you think EyeEm / Alamy Digital stopwatches can make rounding errors of up to 0.11 seconds, which could be enough to change the winner of close races. Although the devices record time extremely accurately internally, they often make errors when converting that raw data to … Read more