Succinic Acid Price, Prices, Pricing, Trends | ChemAnalyst

Succinic Acid, a versatile organic compound with applications in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food, and biodegradable polymers, undergoes pricing dynamics influenced by diverse factors within the global market. Economic conditions play a pivotal role, with the demand for succinic acid closely tied to sectors such as chemicals, plastics, and pharmaceuticals. Economic growth stimulates the need … Read more

Succinic Acid Prices: Trend, Pricing, News, Market Analysis | ChemAnalyst

For the Quarter Ending September 2023 North America In Q3 of 2023, Succinic Acid prices experienced fluctuations in the North American region, influenced by a balance of moderate demand and supply dynamics. Initially, prices held steady with an uptick in import costs and extended logistics duration caused by disruptions in US shipping and freight routes due to … Read more