How artificial intelligence can help us figure out how life began

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How inanimate molecules first arranged themselves into life is one of the great mysteries. The answer could lie in a systematic exploration of chemical space Technology 2 March 2022 By Katharine Sanderson Graham Carter How did Earth turn from a sterile ball of rock into a lush, green world of living things? This question of … Read more

A driverless car that went rogue could be a taste of the robo uprising

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The recent case of a driverless car that tried to escape its handlers might make us laugh, but it also warns us about what could happen when AI is given a “body”, writes Annalee Newitz Technology | Columnist 2 February 2022 By Annalee Newitz MicroOne/Shutterstock DRIVING in San Francisco is like watching a robot uprising … Read more

Can a robot ever be conscious and how would we know if it were?

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Some people think we could easily build and identify a conscious robot, while others insist that it’s impossible – it all depends on what you think consciousness is. Technology 7 July 2021 By Anil Ananthaswamy and Kate Douglas Yuichiro Chino/Getty Images There is disagreement over whether machines can ever be conscious, let alone how we … Read more

Artificial intelligence has been of little use for diagnosing covid-19

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By Michael Roberts Michelle D’urbano IS THERE no problem artificial intelligence can’t tackle? Methods such as deep learning are finding uses in everything from algorithms that recommend what you should purchase next to ones that predict someone’s voting habits. The result is that AI has developed a somewhat mystical reputation as a tool that can … Read more