We must all learn more about the algorithms that shape our daily lives

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ElenaBs/Alamy IT IS hard to go a single day without hearing about the two huge crises that humanity is grappling with right now, the covid-19 pandemic and the climate emergency. In both cases, science and technology have been crucial in identifying the problems and their possible solutions. Those two issues might seem like quite enough … Read more

Facebook AI aims to identify deepfake images and trace their creators

By Chris Stokel-Walker Deepfake images created by https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ Karras et al. and Nvidia Facebook has developed an artificial intelligence that it claims can detect deepfake images and even reverse-engineer them to figure out how they were made and perhaps trace their creators. Deepfakes are wholly artificial images created by an AI. Facebook’s new AI looks … Read more

Google is using AI to design processors that run AI more efficiently

By Matthew Sparkes Google has a vast amount of computing hardware Google Engineers at Google have tasked an artificial intelligence with designing faster and more efficient processors – and then used its chip designs to develop the next generation of specialised computers that run the very same type of AI algorithms. Google operates at such … Read more

DeepMind AI taught digital people to play football from scratch

By Chris Stokel-Walker Artificial intelligence can train digital players in the rules and mechanics of football Yeow Hui Ho / Alamy AI has trained a computer to play football, using digital players who started out able to only make goofy, random movements, but learned to run and kick the ball into the goal. Researchers at … Read more

Eye-tracking software could make video calls feel more lifelike

By Chris Stokel-Walker Teaching over video calls can be challenging Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images A system that tracks your eye movements could help make video calls truer to life. Shlomo Dubnov at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), was frustrated by the inability to smoothly teach an online music class during the coronavirus pandemic. “With … Read more

An AI has disproved five mathematical conjectures with no human help


By Matthew Sparkes Shutterstock/ktsdesign An artificial intelligence has disproved five mathematical conjectures – unproven theorems – despite not being equipped with any information about the problems. Adam Zsolt Wagner at Tel Aviv University in Israel used an AI approach to search for examples that would disprove a range of long-standing conjectures in graph theory, an … Read more