How Schrödinger’s cat could make quantum computers work better

Concept of quantum computer

An artist’s concept of a quantum computer sakkmesterke / Alamy A quantum bit inspired by Schrödinger’s cat has managed to resist making errors for an unusually long time in a quantum computing experiment. This may make it a promising building block for more reliable quantum computers in the future. Researchers have long believed that quantum … Read more

Quantum memory device could stop unhackable networks from failing

Abstract art

A quantum version of RAM might improve long-distance quantum networks Dmitriy Rybin/Shutterstock A quantum version of a random access memory can read and write information 1000 times, and could eventually become a key component in long-distance quantum networks. In conventional computers, random access memory (RAM) is essential for short-term information storage. Random access quantum memory … Read more

Quantum computer uses a time crystal as a control dial

Could quantum computers be made more stable using time crystals? John D/Getty Images Time crystals can be used to stabilise fragile states within quantum computers, which could one day give them an edge over traditional computers. When Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek first theorised that time crystals exist in 2012, the idea was controversial because their … Read more

Adding nanofridges to quantum computers could make them run faster

Quantum computer from side view

An illustration of a quantum computer Pete Hansen/Shutterstock Quantum computers could run more quickly if they contained tiny quantum refrigerators. Quantum computers process information using quantum bits, or qubits, which must be reset to a special state between running programs. Teruaki Yoshioka at the Tokyo University of Science says slow reset times can become a … Read more

Quantum batteries that charge wirelessly might never lose efficiency

Future battery concepts

Batteries of the future could be quantum pinkeyes/Shutterstock Quantum batteries could be charged wirelessly and more effectively with the help of a hollow metal tube and an electromagnetic field. Quantum batteries are a new and still largely theoretical form of energy storage device that can charge extraordinarily quickly thanks to quantum effects. While this property … Read more