What is the AI alignment problem and how can it be solved?

Website of ChatGPT 4 on a smartphone. AI chatbot on OpenAI website. Afyonkarahisar, Turkey - April 3, 2023.; Shutterstock ID 2284532473; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -

Shutterstock/Emre Akkoyun WHAT do paper clips have to do with the end of the world? More than you might think, if you ask researchers trying to make sure that artificial intelligence acts in our interests. This goes back to 2003, when Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at the University of Oxford, posed a thought experiment. Imagine … Read more

Sci fi author Lavie Tidhar: Using Midjourney to explore ethics of AI

Award-winning science fiction author Lavie Tidhar is a busy man. Between his own writing and editing projects, including The Best of World SF anthologies, he works with animator Nir Yaniv on sci-fi film series via their company Positronish, including Mars Machines, about “a toaster and a coffee pot on Mars”, and film noir Loontown. But … Read more

Why do some AI researchers dismiss the potential risks to humanity?

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IN A recent White House press conference, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre couldn’t suppress her laughter at the question: Is it “crazy” to worry that “literally everyone on Earth will die” due to artificial intelligence? Unfortunately, the answer is no. While AI pioneers such as Alan Turing cautioned that we should expect “machines to take control”, … Read more

Wearable anti-anxiety device strokes your arm with a furry pompom

A little furry patch can soothe anxiety Yiran Zhao, Yujie Tao and the People-Aware Computing Lab A device that gently strokes the forearm with a patch of synthetic fur has been shown to reduce anxiety during stressful situations. The finding suggests that incorporating passive touch into wearable devices like smart watches could improve the mental … Read more