Why you may never be able to buy your own self-driving car

Despite recent claims of vehicles having full automation, it is no more possible to buy a truly self-driving car now than it was 15 years ago. Will private cars that never need a driver ever reach the market? Technology | Analysis 7 December 2022 By Matthew Sparkes The Robo-01, an autonomous concept car from Chinese … Read more

Car batteries with tiny heaters could charge in just 11 minutes

A battery that includes tiny heaters inside it can be charged to 70 per cent, the equivalent to a range of more than 300 kilometres for an electric car, in just 11 minutes Technology 12 October 2022 By Matthew Sparkes Electric cars with self-heating batteries could charge nearly as fast as petrol ones get filled … Read more

Algorithm can design the perfect cycle lane system for any city

An algorithm usually used to design profitable airline routes can plan the optimal approach to adding cycle lanes while staying within council budgets Technology 3 October 2022 By Matthew Sparkes Cycling is good for health and the environment Canetti/Shutterstock Bike lanes could be made safer, more efficient and more affordable by using an algorithm originally … Read more

Hong Kong’s car pollution sensors help it clean its air in world first

Carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide pollution have fallen sharply in Hong Kong since it introduced a world-first scheme to detect and repair vehicles with the highest emissions Technology 2 February 2022 By Alice Klein A busy road in Hong Kong picturelibrary / Alamy Stock Photo Hong Kong has improved its air quality by using roadside … Read more