A single bitcoin transaction uses enough water to fill a swimming pool

The water consumed by a single bitcoin transaction could fill a small swimming pool Radharc Images / Alamy Buying or selling bitcoin uses 16,000 litres of clean water for every single transaction, which could exacerbate existing droughts around the world. While the energy consumption and carbon emissions produced by bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been … Read more

Underwater walkie-talkies could work long-distance with radio trick

Divers exploring rocky reefs

It can be difficult for divers to talk underwater, so they often use sign language LITTLE DINOSAUR/Getty Images Divers could soon communicate underwater over large distances by sending radio messages along the water’s surface, getting around the fact that radio frequencies can’t travel far through water. Alternative communication systems that use sound, such as sonar, … Read more

Artificial spider silk could help us harvest drinking water from air

Artificial fibres that can collect water from the air, much like how spider silk gathers dew, could be used for large-scale water collection from fog. In places where the availability of drinking water can be low, harvesting water from air tends to be an energy-intensive process. Condensation, a common method, usually requires a surface that … Read more

Shifting where data is processed for AI can reduce environmental harm

Distributing AI projects across multiple data centres could make them more environment-friendly

Distributing AI projects across multiple data centres could make them more environmentally friendly Nikada/iStockphoto/Getty Images Large AIs can have a significant environmental impact because they rely on thousands of power-hungry computing servers housed within huge data centres. But the environmental damage could be reduced by better distributing the demands to different locations. Such scheduling algorithms … Read more

Underwater writing technique lets you draw patterns in liquids

Patterns and initials written in water Thomas Palberg et al. (2023) Writing on solid materials, like parchment or paper, is possible because the ink binds to the surface and remains undisturbed. But in a liquid, particles are constantly moving around, and ink quickly disperses – until now. Thomas Palberg at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in … Read more